Welcome to Our Learning Commons
A.E. Bowers Elementary School Learning Commons is the central hub of our school. It serves our English and French Immersion program student population, as well as teacher, staff, and parent needs. A.E. Bowers Learning Commons has been developed to engage and encourage learners to enrich their learning in creative and unique ways.
Our Learning Commons will provide access for our students to learn in a variety of ways, using a variety of technologies. We encourage students and staff to use our Learning Commons to its fullest potential.
Want to continue learning while at home? Try these online options?
A Choice Board is an excellent way for children and families to continue to learn while at home.
Click here to download the Grade 1 choice board!
Click here to download a general choice board!

Our team created a virtual learning commons! It is an excellent repository for children who are engaging in at-home and online learning.
CLICK HERE to play, explore, and learn!
Tumblebooks Access
TumbleBooks Username: Bowers41
TumbleBooks Password: reads
Click HERE to see the books added to the library in the past 30 days!
Did You Know?...
The Spine label tells two pieces of information.
F or FIC means Fiction or Chapter book
E means Easy or Picture Book
LR means Leveled Reader
GRA means Graphic Novel
355 or other numbers means Non-Fiction.
The 3 letters underneath, is the start of the author’s last name!
Every subject has it’s own number!
For example, dinosaurs are 567 and hockey is 796.
This is how we keep "like" books together on the shelves!