All students in Kindergarten - Grade 4 at A.E. Bowers are provided with school supplies throughout the year.

Students in grade five are to bring their own school supplies. These can be ordered directly through School Start, click Parents Shop Here, click "Parents Shop Here", choose "Purchase school supply kits", proceed to select province, city, and school. School Start will deliver the supplies directly to A.E. Bowers Elementary School at the end of August. You may also choose to shop for the supplies as well (see below).
Grade five students are to bring the following supplies to school, labeled with the student's name-supplies to be replenished throughout the year as needed;
- 10 duotangs ( two of each colour - red, blue, green, yellow, black)
- 8 full size scribblers in a variety of colours (ex. Hilroy 80pg. 27.6x21.3 cm) No coils as they will not go into duotangs.
- 24 HB pencils (to be replenished as needed throughout the year)
- 1 pencil sharpener with lid/container
- 3 pens - one of each colour - blue, black, and red ink
- 1 pkg of pencil crayons-24 pkg
- 1 pkg of washable fine line felt markers
- 1 pencil case 3 ring, soft sided
- 2 erasers (white)
- 1 ruler (metric 30cm)
- 3 Large glue stick
- 1 small bottle of white glue
- 1 pair of 5" scissors
- 1 box of kleenex
- 1 pair of earbuds or headphones
- 4 dry erase markers
- 1 magnetic whiteboard eraser
- 1 sheet of personalized student labels
- stereo headphones
All children should bring a pair of indoor shoes to be kept at the school, along with their backpacks and lunch kits. It is the parent's responsibility to replenish supplies as needed throughout the school year.